GCCS Testing

Assessments are valuable tools for helping teachers, students, and parents understand academic progress. GCCS utilizes a variety of assessment methods.
Lesson testing. The usual tests and quizzes we all remember from school, integrated into the curriculum, often designed by our teachers, and typically part of determining student grades.
MAP testing. This is a testing service the school subscribes to, which provides teachers and parents with rich data on student performance, and particularly growth over the years. It covers math and reading for everyone, and science for some. MAP tests are administered three times a year on computers or tablets.
CMAS testing. These are the tests required by the state for evaluating both student and school performance. These tests are administered in math and language arts for everyone, and science and social science for some grades. More information is available from the state here. GCCS administers all CMAS testing on computers, although paper tests are available for students requiring special accommodation.