GCCS Accountability Committee

Our school's accountability committee is a voluntary committee whose membership is made up of the Administrator and a combination of community members, parents, and classroom teachers, as required by Colorado State law and school policy (EL-13.4, EL-13.5). The meetings are run by a chairperson. The chairperson is not the administrator, however members of this committee serve at the discretion of the administrator (EL-3.4, EL-3.5). There is a monthly agenda and meeting minutes are kept. Committee members and school staff create the agenda. Guffey Board Members receive a copy of the agenda and meeting minutes as part of the board's monthly monitoring report. The purpose of the committee is to support our school much like a PTA or PTO would at other schools. (School Open House and Pet Parade, Winter Program Cookie Exchange and Clothing/Toy drives, Pie Palooza, 8th Grade activities). In the past, the committee has reviewed our school's curriculum, written the 8th grade graduation requirements and rubrics, written the technology plan, supported the school's unified improvement plan, put together the end of year parent survey, and monitored school attendance trends. The year end goals of this committee are included in the Administrator's annual report to the community, called Guffey Community Charter School's Annual Progress Report, which is available on the school's website (EL-11). The school's administrator considers members of this committee to be ambassadors of the school. Many members of this committee have transitioned to school board members. Committee meetings are open to the public and are calendared to be held on the first Tuesday of the month.

Role of Accountability Committee (required to meet quarterly)

  • Membership: at least 7 members (principal, teacher, 3 parents, 1 person from community)
  • Member's Role: Responsible to Guffey Board, adviser to administration/staff
  • Goals: the betterment of the school
  • Duties required by state law:
    1. Recommending to the principal of its school priorities for spending school money
    2. Advising the principal concerning the preparation and contents of a school performance or improvement plan
    3. Advising the school board concerning the preparation and contents of a priority or turnaround plan
    4. Discuss whether school leadership, personnel, infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the school's performance improvement, priority improvement, or turnaround plan or other progress pertinent to the public school's accreditation contract with the local school board
    5. providing input and recommendations on an advisory basis to district accountability committees and district administration concerning principal development plans and evaluations.

Year End Report

The work of our school's accountability committee further supports our school's strategies for improvement. The committee's year end report is contained in the Administrator's report to the community. The committee chair is Lynda MacDonald. Accountability meeting minutes and agendas are given monthly to School Board members.